Public Speaking
“We are more than the prejudices of our parents and communities; we are more than the dominant stories of our societies and cultures; we are more than the limitations imposed by race, class, age, gender, political affiliation or sexual orientation. My fervent hope is that the Desmond Tutu programme will create a new generation of South African scholars who can re-author new stories, build new bridges, create new understandings, make new meanings”
Jacob Meiring, NRF, Cape Town International Convention Centre, 13 September 2016, THEME: The Future of South Africa’s Knowledge Economy is in our hands
I had various public speaking engagements for the NRF (National Research Foundation), to care workers on burnout, other narrative therapist and faith communities on bodytheology and addressed conferences on the following themes:
- 2016: XVI European Conference on Science and Theology (ESSSAT) in Lodz-Warsaw.
- 2015: Plenary speaker at the TSSA (Theological Society of SA) annual meeting Annual meeting, Faith and Family: Reflecting on God, Gender and Generations, Pietermaritzburg.
- “Shem, Ham, Japheth and Zuma – Genesis 9:25 -27 and masculinities in South Africa, The narrative of Gen 9:25-27” – annual meeting of the EABS (European Association of Biblical Scholars), Cordoba, Spain.
- “Theological anthropology as embodied sensing: consciousness and the mapping of the body” – annual conference, Creation, Consciousness and Christology: Evolutionary Perspectives of the South African Science and Religion Forum (SASRF) in Pretoria.
- 2014: “Theology in the flesh – a model for theological anthropology as embodied sensing,” – annual meeting of the American Academy of Religion (AAR), San Diego, USA in the Body and Religion Group (Religion, Affect, and Embodiment: New Approaches)
- 2012: “Theology in the flesh – perceptions of the body in Christianity and in sub-Saharan Africa.” – annual conference of the Theological Society of South Africa (TSSA), University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg
- 2012: “Theology in the flesh – exploring embodiment and religious narratives through body mapping and photographs.” – the Religion and Body Conference” at the University of Graz, Austria
- 2011: “Theology in the flesh – exploring embodiment” – annual conference of the Theological Society of South Africa (TSSA) at St. Augustine’s, Johannesburg.